
By MatthewNewton

Argos Garden Furniture: Will bring out the best in you

Your outdoor space for less Argos Garden Furniture sale on garden furniture is a great way to celebrate the heatwave. The retailer has a sitewide sale on most of its homeware at the moment. However, as we spend more time in our backyards than ever before (hello, staycation season), we are keen to get our hands on outdoor gear. The range is impressive with a variety of patio sets, folding chairs, bistro table, patio tables and sun loungers available.

Palettes come in a variety of styles, from simple and neutral to tropically inspired (like our PS9 Ipanema Fruit Picnic Chair that we are predicting will sell out quickly), and even though you have a small balcony or a large lawn there are still space-saving options.

The Wooden Bench to Table Set is our favorite. It converts in minutes from a bench to an actual table, and it is now on sale at the PS50 mark. This is down from the original PS80 price.

These items are available for purchase now, so don’t wait until they go out of stock! You can even get them delivered the same day at your local shop!

PIMP YOUR Argos Garden Furniture is offering a THIRD OFF its massive sale of garden furniture – this nifty bench-to-bistro set makes a great dealArgos is currently having a massive sale, with garden furniture as low as a third of the regular price. Many items are perfect for shade.Their collection might be the right choice for you if you’re looking for something more stylish than your standard umbrella or gazebo.A bench-to-bistro set is one of the most affordable in the range, at PS 52.99 instead of PS80.

See also  Garden Bench: buying guide

These are just a few pieces that we plan to grab in the sale. We don’t expect them to stay around long so you need to act quickly.

Argos garden furniture sale

This clever piece of furniture was a hit from the moment it was launched. The set is perfect for small gardens and balconies. It transforms quickly from a wooden bench into a table with chairs in just a few steps.

Instead of PS80, the set costs PS 52.99. You’ll have to act quickly as there is limited stock.

It is always a good idea to have something to shelter from the heat. This smart black sail will do the trick if you want something more elegant than an umbrella or traditional pavilion.It’s strong and can be used outside all year. It has received glowing reviews and is rated five stars on the website.