Tree Trimming

Which time of the year is best to trim your trees

Which time of the year is best to trim your trees

Tree trimming is a common question that our arborists are asked. This is not always easy to answer so we created this guide to help you find the right answer. Our arborists should be aware of the tree type we are talking about, as well the effects of insects on the tree, their susceptibility to diseases, and the landscaping surrounding it.

The winter months are generally the best time for pruning or trimming trees and shrubs. The best time to trim trees and shrubs is November to March.

Trees are less vulnerable to diseases and insects.

  • This has a lower impact on the environment and allows our crew to see their work even when the leaves are gone.
  • Trees are more resilient than other plants, so by the time spring arrives, your tree should be healthy and happy again.
  • There is another reason why winter is better for tree pruning: you save more money!

It is a well-known fact that booking your tree trimming and removal in advance (like today), will save you more money. Don’t wait to book and you will be disappointed.

Reasons to prune:

Birch Tree Care makes pruning a regular part its tree and plant care programs. Proper pruning encourages growth and improves overall plant health. It can also increase property curb-appeal and flower and fruit yield.

Prune to increase the overall health and well-being of plants

  • Removing dead or dying branches caused by insect infestation, disease, animals, storms, and other damage.
  • Remove branches that rub together
  • Remove branch stubs

Conserve the intended purpose of plants in a landscape

  • Encourage flower and fruit growth
  • Maintain a dense hedge
  • Encourage the growth of special forms or plant types.

Increase curb appeal and appearance of plants

  • Control the plant’s size and shape
  • Make sure shrubs are densely populated and well-proportioned
  • Unwanted branches, waterspouts and suckers that are causing plant damage or a degraded appearance should be removed

Protect your family and property

  • Remove dead branches
  • Have hazardous trees taken down

Prune branches that are too high to overhang homes, parking lots, sidewalks, or anywhere else that falling limbs could cause injury or property damage

Eliminate any branches that interfere with traffic signals, street lights or overhead wires.

Pruning in winter allows you to protect new wounds for a shorter time, so that the wound heals faster. Additionally, it is easier to prune dormant trees because there are less leaves.

It is important to prune in the fall to prevent certain diseases.

Oak Wilt Disease can be prevented by pruning oaks between November & March. Never prune oaks between April & October.

Prune apple trees from February through April.

The chances of infection spreading from spring pruning or summer pruning is higher than those from fall pruning or early-winter pruning. However, growth issues can be caused by either pruning in fall or winter.

Honey Locusts should not be pruned after late winter, as they will become dormant.

Prune after blooming

Prune trees and shrubs that have bloomed early in the year based on last year’s growth immediately after they stop blooming.

Prune before you plant new plants

Shrubs grown primarily for their leaves, and not for showy flowers, need to be pruned in the spring.

Hedges, shrubs

Hedges should be pruned frequently after initial pruning occurs at planting. Hedges should usually be pruned twice per year: once in spring, and again mid-summer.


Even conifers, which are evergreens, don’t need much pruning. Different evergreen types should be pruned according their different growth habits.